Whanau Group
Tauwhare School Whanau Group
Tauwhare School have an active Whanau Group and we welcome all parents to come along to our Whanau Hui which are held each term. We provide kai in the staffroom and get together in a relaxed setting, to discuss how we can best support our learners in terms of ‘things Māori’ and to ensure success for Māori as Māori.
We are very grateful to our whanau who have guided us along the way as we grow our cultural responsiveness as teachers and learners and we would love to have new parents come along and be part of these discussions.
Hui (meeting) dates will be advertised in the school newsletter. For any questions, please get in touch with Kirsty Gilroy (Mrs G, Room 1) by phoning the school or by email.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Term 3 Update
Dear Parents & Whānau
As part of our ongoing self-review, we have been looking at our school and whānau partnerships and in particular, our cultural responsiveness in terms of our Māori learners and whānau. Some of you may remember completing a survey in 2016 when we used that information to gather some baseline data and identified where we wanted to make some changes in the school.
We would like to gather your feedback again so that we can review our progress over the last two years and set our next steps for the future. We really would appreciate you taking a few minutes to complete this survey and look forward to sharing the results of it with you in Term 4.
Should you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to email Kirsty (Mrs G, Room 2) at kirsty.gilroy@tauwhare.school.nz